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Have you been diagnosed with Tendonitis
How much is a industrial disease claim worth?
How much compensation for industrial disease


Tendonitis affects the tendons – the tough tissue which attaches the muscles to the bones around the body. Tendonitis is the term given to the condition which causes inflammation of a tendon. Tendonitis can develop anywhere around the body but is more commonly found in the knees, wrists, hips and shoulders.

The symptoms of Tendonitis include severe pain, tenderness and restricted movement in the affected area. Tendonitis is caused by repetitive movement and actions and as a result, the root of the cause is often linked to working environment. If you’ve developed Tendonitis at work, Russell Worth solicitors can help you make a claim for compensation. We will:

  • Answer any questions you may have about making a claim
  • Guide you through the claims process
  • Provide you with comprehensive, jargon-free legal advice
  • Do all of the form-filling for you
Industrial diseases can be seriously damaging with long term, and sometimes life-threatening, consequences, affecting you and your family. If you have been unfortunate enough to have suffered from an industrial disease you may be entitled to make a claim. From exposure to asbestos to developing a repetitive strain injury, our legal experts can help you claim the compensation you deserve.

This is not something that you have to go through alone – our friendly team will make it as simple as possible by doing all the hard work and form-filling so you don’t have to and you’ll pay no up front fees. Just fill in our compensation claim form and one of our expert advisers will be in touch. If you prefer, you can talk directly to someone now by calling our 24hr Russell Worth solicitors helpline on 0800 028 2060, or request a call back – your claim will be dealt with immediately either way.

Are you suffering because of your job?

The term industrial disease is a very broad one and covers a number of different illnesses and complaints, many of which you can find details of on our site under the specific tabs at the top of this page. While we all conjure up different ideas in our heads at the mention of ‘industrial diseases’ it would probably be fair to say that the images most of us bring to mind are those of dust caked coal miners or weary-looking shipyard workers trudging home after a long hard shift. At Russell Worth solicitors our solicitors do of course offer legal assistance to workers in such traditional heavy occupations but more and more we are finding that our industrial disease clients are from jobs that you would perhaps not normally associate with this category of illnesses.

Our solicitors are currently assisting thousands of industrial disease victims from a diverse range of occupations including:

  • Secretaries and computer workers suffering from repetitive strain injuries.
  • Cleaners who have developed dermatitis from the products they use.
  • Factory workers suffering from occupational asthma.
  • Assembly workers who have developed hearing problems due to noise levels.

As mentioned above we do still receive and handle enquiries from those in more traditional industrial roles such as engineering workers, road workers and construction workers but the simple fact is that occupational diseases can affect anybody in any job at any time.

At Russell Worth solicitors the advice we give is free of charge and we guarantee that our solicitors will only accept cases on a no up front fees basis. If you think that you may be suffering from a condition as a result of your working environment – even if you haven’t been to a doctor about it – contact us now to see if you may be entitled to make an industrial disease claim.

Worried claiming against your employer?

Employers have a legal duty to provide a safe workplace for their employees. Employers should ensure that working environments are adapted to avoid any possible injury. If you have developed trigger finger as a result of your work environment Russell Worth solicitors can help you make a claim for compensation. Dont worry about making a claim against your employer. Employers have insurance in place to provide compensation for claims such as this and by highlighting the problem you may help to prevent someone else suffering in the same way in the future.

Our experts can help you make a claim

Our friendly team will make it as simple as possible by doing all the hard work and form-filling so you dont have to. Just fill in our compensation claim form and one of our expert advisers will be in touch or you if you prefer you can talk directly to someone now by calling our 24hr Russell Worth helpline on 0800 028 2060, or request a call back – your claim will be dealt with immediately either way.

Claiming Compensation

Free Legal Advice

If you are unsure whether you can claim compensation for a personal injury sustained in the armed forces, then call our personal injury claims team for free for no obligation advice on making a claim. They will ask you some simple questions about your condition, talk to you about what’s happened and can tell you if you have a viable claim for compensation or not.

Call us 24/7 on 0800 028 2060.

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