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Gym Accident Claim

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Gym Accident Claims

According to 2021 figures, a huge 10.3 million people in the UK have gym memberships – and that does not include casual gym users who attend on a pay per session basis.  

With so many of us choosing to exercise at gyms it is inevitable that accidents will happen, and we will suffer injuries. But could, and indeed should, these accidents be avoided? In our experience the answer, unfortunately, is a resounding yes.     

While each accident is of course different, we do tend to see similar themes coming up time and time again: – 

Damaged or faulty equipment In our experience this is the biggest cause of avoidable injuries in gyms.  

Equipment/work out areas too close together Gyms are always looking for new members to boost their finances and more members can lead to a shortage of space – which in turn inevitably leads to accidents happening.  

Poor training/instructions While this can be exceedingly difficult to prove, it is a common issue reported to us. If you join or visit a gym, then you should expect to be given adequate instruction on how to use the equipment on offer in a safe manner.  

Equipment not cleaned and/or put away If equipment is not regularly cleaned then it can become contaminated with sweat which, while not only unpleasant, can be dangerous if it makes the apparatus slippery. If equipment is left lying around on the floor it presents an obvious tripping risk.  

Slips, trips and falls While they can happen anywhere in a gym, we tend to see them more around pool areas, changing rooms/showers or at water stations.    

The above is not intended to be exhaustive, if you have suffered an injury at a gym and you think that it should not have happened then call us now and speak to one of our experience solicitors free of charge and without any obligation.  

Not all solicitors’ firms are the same. We find that gyms routinely deny liability for any injuries and accidents that occur on their premises. As such, you need to ensure that the solicitors you instruct are specialists in their fields and know how to fight and defeat any arguments that are put forward to try and avoid paying the compensation you deserve. Thankfully, you can have Russell Worth solicitors on your side, personal injury experts who will only ever help you on a strict no win no fee basis. 


Claiming Compensation

Free Legal Advice

If you are unsure whether you can claim compensation for a personal injury sustained in the armed forces, then call our personal injury claims team for free for no obligation advice on making a claim. They will ask you some simple questions about your condition, talk to you about what’s happened and can tell you if you have a viable claim for compensation or not.

Call us 24/7 on 0800 028 2060.

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